Spacial Blueprint

Spacial Blueprint

Concealed Joy
wood, cardboard, paper, hotglue

My car is a safe place. My car has been able to take me and my friends all over Florida. The journies in my car have been just as important as the destination, whether I am alone or with friends music and memories are always being made within this space. I recreate my car in Concealed Joy by mimicking the barrier that is the shell of my car with the white circular frame. The paper pieces represent the memories within the car. Yellow is the joyful memories, orange is the content memories and blue is my alone time in my car. My memories in my car weave and overlap just like the paper. There is white space left to represent the space for more memories to be made. 

Process pictures:

Inspired Artist: 

Margret Mellis

Damion Silver

Amir Tomashov


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