
Spacial Blueprint

Spacial Blueprint Concealed Joy wood, cardboard, paper, hotglue 12x12x1 My car is a safe place. My car has been able to take me and my friends all over Florida. The journies in my car have been just as important as the destination, whether I am alone or with friends music and memories are always being made within this space. I recreate my car in Concealed Joy by mimicking the barrier that is the shell of my car with the white circular frame. The paper pieces represent the memories within the car. Yellow is the joyful memories, orange is the content memories and blue is my alone time in my car. My memories in my car weave and overlap just like the paper. There is white space left to represent the space for more memories to be made.  Process pictures: Inspired Artist:  Margret Mellis Damion Silver Amir Tomashov http://ww


Momento  Lavish  wood, paper, frawed yarn  1x1.5x1   My first year away at college I was a struct with this constant bad luck of getting parking tickets. I have gotten five tickets in one year. After I would get a ticket I would call my mom and tell her about the ticket. At first, this was scary telling her I got another one but the more tickets I got the more comedic it became. Each ticket has its own comedic event for why I got it. That is represented in the different shapes. The parking tickets I got are weaved together creating a new pattern. The blocks of tickets are covered with a soft string. This string represents my mother and how calling her brought comfort to what would have been very stressful situations. Inspired Artist: Marco Tirelli Muriel Guepin Line Depping  https://l

Fluxus Box

Fluxus Box   La La Land  Wood molding, Balsa wood, yellow paint, blue paint,  red paint, plastic with a glass film, recorder, yarn, rose,  wax, chapstick containter, cardboard, felt, woodglue, nails, foam 13x3x3   This box is inspired by the film La La Land directed by Damien Chazelle The box is made from decorative molding with a felt bottom. The shape of the box is a long triangle to mimic a timeline. The box is painted an off white to show that the story being told is not perfect. The imperfections of my box were borrowed ideas from the movie since both of the leads had to learn to deal with these imperfections to find success in life. Opening the box reveals that the box is looking back at you due to a mirror being placed at the bottom. This was done to represent that a viewer is an object within the box. The movie has characters that everyone has a trait they can relate to and connect with and with the mirror at the bottom, it creates the connections of the

Balsa Wood

Balsa Wood Looking Glasses,  tape, paper, wood glue and balsa wood, 6x3x3 Destruction, balsa wood, black ink, and pins, 10x6x0.5

Masking Tape Shoes

Masking Tape Shoes  Shoes, Masking Tape, 9x2.5 Process

On Longing

"The body is the primarily made of perceiving scale." I picked this image because this photo was taken to show the members of my friend group in high school and we were arranged by height. "The capacity of objects to serve as traces of authentic experience. " These are polaroids taken during some of my last few weeks in my hometown. They represent some of my favorite memories with my friends. The polaroids are the trace of authentic experience.  "To have a souvenir of the exotic is to poses a specimen and a trophy." In high school, I had to make a pinch pot for ceramics and this was the outcome. Now I use it to hold pens and it serves as a memory of that class.  "The place of ordainment remain unavailable in order for desire to be generated." This photo works to represent this quote because my cat is only slightly visible. I know how she is peeking out like that because I know what is behind th